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Father's Love Letter 💛

My dear child,

I'm really happy to be able to write you this missive. I wanted so much to share with you what I feel for you right now, and always have.

Even though you were not yet conceived in the womb, I already knew you, and I had prepared in advance wonderful life plans for you [1]. Indeed, you are unique. You are so precious to me, oh my child, that I could only concoct the best for you, since I made you in my image and likeness [2]. Unfortunately, you didn't really believe in me. You seem to know me, but you don't. You have developed a somewhat distorted image of me. Yet I gave you my will, where you can find everything you need to get to know me better : the Bible. In this testament, you will see all the inheritance that I have in store for you since always. When sin separated you and me, I did not want to abandon you because I love you. So I have always been with you even when you rejected me, to trust others. I have always been there when you were looking for love with certain people. When you were disappointed, betrayed, I was still there near you, and I sympathized with your suffering. I was there when you shed tears of distress, when your heart was sad, and also when you had moments of joy. Indeed, it is I who have always blessed you, even if you do not often realize it.

I would love my child so much that we reconcile; I would like to completely cleanse you of all your sins, rebuild your life, because I am the creator God.

Yes, I created it all. I can therefore rebuild your life and completely transform it, embellish it, if only you decide to trust me, and to walk according to my ways. My child, it is I who am in control of everything, and your destiny is in my hands [3]. But I can't do anything if you don't let me. I can't even save you from dying eternally, if you choose to reject the eternal life I offer you today [4]. Yes, this eternal life, it is only in Jesus Christ my Son whom I sent on earth to die in your place. Everything is already accomplished for your life. I have already forgiven all your sins, when my Son Jesus died on the cross for you. How could I ask you to pay a price again for the mistakes you made when someone else has already done it for you? What is more my own Son, so that you also become my son/my daughter? And that you can call me "Father"? No, child, it's not fair to pay twice for the same thing. I therefore do not ask you to pay the price of your salvation. It is impossible for you anyway; that is why Jesus did it for you. If you accept it, you will be freed from all your burdens.

To finish my child, know that I do not condemn you. I will wait for you until your last breath, because my love for you is eternal [5]. Only the sooner you choose to live this relationship of love with me, the better it will be for you, because I have so much to offer you here below. I have so many things to show you and great experiences to make you live. It is true that if you choose to follow the path that Jesus

traced for you, some will reject you because they will not understand, just as they rejected my Son Jesus. But remember that you will not be the only one for many others are persecuted because of the Name of Jesus. But I continue to cover them with my grace. Besides, even if everyone abandons you, I, your God, will never abandon you. Follow me on the path of light, truth and life which is found only in Jesus Christ [6]. You'll see, it's good.

Your Heavenly Father who loves you so much ❤️


[1] Jeremiah 29 v. 11: “Yes, I, the LORD, know the plans I have for you. I declare it: these are not projects of misfortune but projects of happiness. I want to give you a future full of hope."

[2] Genesis 1 v. 26: "Then God said: 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness!' May he rule over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, over all the earth and over all the creeping things that crawl on the earth."

[3] Psalm 31 v. 16: “My destinies are in your hand. Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, for they are stalking me."

[4] 2 Corinthians 6 v. 2 : “For he said, In the favorable moment I heard you, on the day of salvation I helped you. Now is the favorable time, now is the day of salvation."

[5] Jeremiah 31 v. 3 : "From afar, the Lord showed himself to me: 'I love you with an everlasting love, therefore I keep my goodness to you'."

[6] John 14 c. 6 and 11 : “6Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (…) 11Believe me: I am in the Father and the Father is in me. If not, believe [me] at least because of these works!”

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